Nearly €10 million for 5 fantastic projects in Galway announced

Portershed Expansion

Minister Humphreys announces over €40m for 26 Projects to drive job creation in the regions

  • Projects approved following the third call of the Regional Enterprise Development Fund.
  • The announcement comes with the news that we now have the highest number of IDA-supported jobs in the regions ever.
  • Two-thirds of all Enterprise Ireland-supported jobs were outside Dublin in 2019. 

Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys TD, today announced the results of the third call of the

Regional Enterprise Development Fund (REDF), an open national competitive call to support regional projects that drive sustainable job creation in the regions.

The Minister made the announcement as she officiated at the annual results for IDA Ireland for 2019, which showed strong job creation in the regions.

26 successful applicants representing all regions of the country have been approved for funding of over €40 million for their collaborative projects and today’s

announcement brings the total amount awarded under the Fund to almost €100 million to date. The fund is an initiative of the Government under Project

Ireland 2040 and it aligns with the Future Jobs Ireland framework. It is administered for the Government by Enterprise Ireland.

Comhoibriú CLG
Incubation and Co-working space
Galway City Innovation District (GCID)
Enterprise Hub/Portershed
Galway Technology Centre DAC
Enterprise Hub
SCCUL Enterprises CLG
Enterprise Hub
Grow Remote CLG
Remote work activation

Portershed Expansion

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We look forward to building on what has been an incredible three years.

Link to Full Article here


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