
From Ideation to Innovation: Inside the Thriving Tech Scene at PorterShed, Galway.


PorterShed AI Co-Pilot Introducing the Gen-AI Copilot for Startup Ecosystem Managers Since OpenAI’s ground-breaking release of GPT3.5 in November 2022, the possibilities for re-engineering inefficient business processes

PorterShed AI Co-Pilot Introducing the Gen-AI Copilot for Startup Ecosystem Managers Since OpenAI’s ground-breaking release of GPT3.5 in November 2022, the possibilities for re-engineering inefficient business processes

Rough Seas by Bob Rosenberg

  Bob Rosenberg Educator (Associate Professor) / Entrepreneur / Leader of angel communities /  Entrepreneur in residence at PorterShed and BioExcel It’s been a particularly

When The Music Stops by Bob Rosenberg

Bob Rosenberg Educator (Associate Professor) / Entrepreneur / Leader of angel communities /  Entrepreneur in residence at PorterShed and BioExcel When the Music Stops I

The Beauty of Boutique by Bob Rosenberg

Bob Rosenberg Educator (Associate Professor) / Entrepreneur / Leader of angel communities /  Entrepreneur in residence at PorterShed and BioExcel You’ve practiced your deck. Updated

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