PiP IT Global In Sunday Business Post Top 100 Hot Start-Up List


Posted On 01/10/2019 By Clare Tracy

We are absolutely delighted to be in the Sunday Business Post ‘Hot 100’ Start Ups supplement this week! It’s rewarding to be included in such a diverse range of Entrepreneurs including our PorterShed friends Greg Heaslip of Plan Domino, and Patrick McDermott of digitally.io

“PiP iT is an international cash transaction platform which helps migrants support their families in other countries.

The model works as a B2B platform which partners with bill pay networks, eWallets, eCommerce and banks to enable migrants to use their cash internationally, for example, to pay a bill for their family at home from a local post office.

Co-founder Ollie Walsh, a finalist in Enterprise Ireland High-Potential Start-Up (HPSU) Founder of the Year for 2019, says: “We have 60 companies across EU, Africa, India and Asia integrating with our platform. This will bring significant scaling of our services and provide support for migrants around the world. As a social impact company, the bigger we grow, the more good we do.””

See the Full List here:




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