
From Ideation to Innovation: Inside the Thriving Tech Scene at PorterShed, Galway.


VC Talk by Bob Rosenberg

VC Talk Once, the venture business was a closed shop.  It was hard to get information from VCs about their investments, their decision-making processes, even

Mo’ Money by Bob Rosenberg

Mo’ Money Quick story about two companies and founders finding their own paths. The first company was started 25 years ago.  It was based on

Money by Bob Rosenberg

A View from the Fridge Money I’ve been doing a lot of thinking (and talking) about money. It’s still the #1 subject that motivates companies

The VC Perspective by Bob Rosenberg

The VC Perspective If you read last week’s post, you might come to the conclusion that I was pretty negative on the VC thing.  You’d

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