You’re probably in one of two camps – you’ve heard of Pre-Accelerators and you think they could be ideal for your start-up…or, you are completely in the dark, but you’d like an explainer to find out more.
Thankfully, we’re here to answer some of your questions about this type of programme – and, more specifically, what the upcoming NDRC Pre-Accelerator, powered by the PorterShed from October 24th, could offer you.
At their core, Pre-Accelerators provide a crash course (albeit a sophisticated one) in how a founder can turn their start-up into becoming revenue- and Accelerator-ready.
The NDRC’s six-week Pre-Accelerator combines hands-on learning, fireside chats, mentoring, and a whole host of other amazing resources to supercharge start-ups so that they reach the next level.
PorterShed Programme Manager Rosemary Gallagher explains.
“If you’ve ever wondered how those plucky start-ups reach sky-high and transform themselves into revenue-generating businesses, it starts with an excellent understanding of customers and lots of access to people with the know-how to help. A programme like the NDRC Pre-Accelerator can really help with that, especially for someone standing on the outside wondering how to get in. Over six weeks, you’ll learn from those who’ve been there, done that, and you’ll also figure out how to focus on customer discovery.
“It’s an amazing way for you, as a founder, to learn, grow, and make your company into the company you’ve always wanted it to be. Plus, it’s a lot of fun – we laugh a lot more than you might think – and you’ll get to know your fellow founders while levelling up your start-up. I love watching everything start to click for the founders through the programme, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing ideas that each applicant is trying to bring to market,” she said.

Some amazing companies have come through the NDRC Pre-Accelerator pipeline – like Tonnta, Xplore Local, Precision Sports Technology, and so many more. For us, as ecosystem champions, it has been fantastic watching them grow, challenge their preconceptions, and come through the other side as new, improved versions of themselves.
Pre-Accelerators are not easy – they require a lot of hard work, you have to ask difficult questions of yourself and those on board your start-up journey, but don’t let that put you off; the rewards are there to be won if you put in the hard yards, and you’ll have help along the way.
One thing that’s commonly said about the Pre-Accelerator, and other NDRC programmes, is that it’s daunting even thinking about applying, but the ones who do know all too well that it’s the optimal way to quickly and efficiently move at speed through a lot of issues, milestones, and wins that ultimately move your business on the right trajectory – up, up, and up.
Don’t just take our word for it – have a listen to what Diarmaid Ó Fátharta, founder of Tonnta had to say, and while you’re at it, take in the words of Colin Hanley, CEO of Xplore Local App talking about putting in the hard work – and getting the rewards at the end of it.
The start-up journey can be a lonely road – but the Pre-Accelerator gives you six weeks to spend with others plotting the same course. It’s a chance to learn from them, hear all about shared experiences, and ultimately get better faster.
Why wait? You’re a start-up founder – you like to move fast and break things.
Apply for the NDRC Pre-Accelerator, powered by the PorterShed, today and see where your start-up can go – applications close September 26th.
By Trevor Murray
Content Marketing Specialist at the PorterShed
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